Scheduler Conditions
Any of the Scheduler tasks can be set up to be dependent on any other task, or on a production threshold, by using the Conditions. Click on the "Conditions" tab to bring up the following screen:
Click image to expand or minimize.
Possible conditions relating to other tasks are:
- Finish Start - The specified task must be finished before this task can start
- Start Start - This task can start when the specified task is started (which may have its own dependency)
- Finish Finish - This task finishes when the specified task finishes (only applies to Facilities Construction and Drilling Program)
- Production Threshold- For a constrained facility, you can specify a threshold of when to start construction on additional capacity.
- Finish Just in Time - The specified task is started such that it will finish "just in time" with the specified task.
Click image to expand or minimize.
Specify the capacity Trigger:
- Choose the Test Target facility to test the capacity
- Choose the product to test
- Choose to look at the production type:
- actual production (curtailed)
- potential production (what the production would be if it weren't curtailed)
- Tank (ending period storage from the previous step)
- Choose the Test Type:
- Choose the operator >+, <=, <, >
- Choose whether to deplete the results of the check following an action, and if so how much the depletion should be:
- Where the depletion is utilized for actual and potential production types, the amount depleted is stored until the triggered wells reach their on-production step so as to ensure a proportional response
- Where the depletion is utilized for tank production types, the amount is only depleted for the current timestep with the presumption that the tank is then enacted upon in some manner to adjust its storage correctly to the action taken, e.g., flow to disposal the amount of frac water required
These triggers can be in series with OR or AND conditions for multiple test. You can also add in an OR with a date to cause an expansion when the rate triggers it, or by a date.